Quick Loans in One Click

The answer to this question naturally depends on your personal circumstances. If you urgently need cash, a payday loan is always preferable to using a credit card. The reason being, you’ll end up spending a lot more on the costs of drawing cash from a credit card, than you would if you were to opt for a small short-term, like those offered by Quick Little Loans (QLL).

In the case of an emergency, time is of the essence. As a South African consumer, most of your lending options are more sluggish than swift. More often than not, qualifying for a loan is dependent upon time-consuming procedures, such as filling out reams of paperwork, and submitting official documents.

Moreover, chances are that all of these sensitive personal details and official documents required of you aren’t exactly easily accessible. Add to these laborious, drawn-out errands, having to wait in extensive queues, only to have your application botched by incompetent consultants, resulting in delay after delay.


Pressing by Definition 

The purpose of an instant loan, an overnight loan, a same-day loan or a next-day loan, as a small short-term loan is often interchangeably called, couldn’t be clearer. By definition, it’s a highly time-dependent loan – from online application to direct deposit, the time it takes for you to get cash in hand determines whether it’s useful or not to you.

In view of this, we at Quick Little Loans not only take the urgent quality of fast cash loans very seriously but, moreover, use it to define the value of our product. With Quick Little Loans, you’ll have the money you need within 24 hours, not a minute after.

QLL won’t ask you what you need the loan for, nor any other irrelevant, intrusive questions, as these only serve to slow down the process. Once your application is approved, the loan amount you want will be directly deposited into your bank account, within 24 hours or less.


The Pros of Quick Little Loans

  • Multipurpose

QLLs are incredibly flexible. Use them for travel necessities, medical emergencies, essential home maintenance or urgent car repairs. A QLL can function as a crucial safety measure.

  • One Click 

Crisis often calls for immediate funds. You can apply for a QLL online. Enter your basic details, click submit and wait for our call. Feel those cool, smooth notes in your hand.

  • Paperless

Only requiring digital or copied documents streamlines the turnaround time of a QLL. It’s as simple as emailing or faxing through the few standard documents we ask for.

  • Unsecured

You don’t have to own big, fancy assets – property, cars, shares etc. QLL are short-term and low-risk.  No collateral, or security necessary, and no risk of losing the assets you love.


What’s The Verdict?

If one of our Quick Little Loans is what you need and you’re able to pay it back on your next payday, there is no reason to suffer in the interim. A budget is always advisable, factoring in all of your essential expenses, and paying back a small short-term loan does require a little financial planning.  Even so, emergencies are often unforeseen, and that’s what Quick Little Loans are there for.